Month: May 2021

The end isn’t too far off

Yesterday didn’t quite follow the “plan” of the day. Mom had a stroke and it’s a bad one. She’s resting comfortably at home under hospice care. We imagine that the time left is pretty short. And as always, she surprised everyone! Doctors, nurses, techs and more. She shouldn’t even be awake, but she is. She shouldn’t be able to smile, but she can.

She’ll fade a lot faster now. I’m sure we only have a few days left as the bleed continues in her brain.

We’ve thoroughly enjoyed the last several months — the laughter, smiles and quirky things she’s shared with us. We’ve listened to music until we know every song and intro by heart. Every performer’s actions and maybe even a background story or two. Watched her favorite movies, wearing out a few DVDs and even having to replace a DVD player. 🙂

Shared more good than bad. Learned lots of new ways to reframe things to get around her stubborn streak at times. Dealt with more intense sundowning moments… Late nights and early mornings, when all we would like to do is catch up on a couple of hours of sleep.

Yesterday threw a real ringer in the works. I’m not ready for her to leave, but I do know there are those on the other side of the veil anxious to greet her and she’s growing more anxious to be there with them. Last night’s pucker up of the lips and reaching out for a hug was a demonstration that the veil is very thin.

We love you Mom — We cherish the last 5 years of being able to care for you and have you in our home. To be around your sweet spirit every day, rain or shine. There are so many things I’ll miss — and a few I miss already.

I love you unconditionally. With all my heart!