Month: May 2012

a new day

“Trials, temptations, disappointments — all these are helps instead of hindrances, if one uses them rightly. They not only test the fibre of a character, but strengthen it. Every conquered temptation represents a new fund of moral energy. Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than it was before.” James Buckham

Recently we’ve been personally bombarded with a series of what I would consider “challenges.”  I’m hoping we’re weathering them relatively well.  We have a couple to face in the months to come and hope they’re not as insurmountable as they first seemed to be when we first heard them. Maybe they’ll soon only become “blips” on the radar screen of life as we learn the lessons we need to, find other ways of dealing with them and solve that challenges we’re currently facing move on to the next phase of our lives whatever that may be.

What makes it easier is that I have a companion to face them with and know that I also have a Heavenly Father who loves and cares for us as well.  We can pray and seek help in our decisions and we’re not alone as we move forward together as a couple facing the future together.  Our prayers are heard and often answered.

One thing I’m absolutely sure of is that WE are stronger together than alone.  WE ARE a couple united and working together!  I’m truly grateful for that and for our walking and working together the past 18 years.  What a blessing that has been.

take stock…

“ A pebble held close to the eye appears to be a gigantic obstacle.
Cast on the ground, it is seen in perspective. Likewise, problems or
trials in our lives need to be viewed in the perspective… Otherwise
they can easily overtake our vision, absorb all our energy, and
deprive us of the joy and beauty intended us to receive here on
earth.” Richard G Scott (paraphrased)

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, maybe it’s time to stop, breathe, drop our burdens even for just a few minutes and take a new look with a new perspective and see what we can do to handle them with new eyes and thoughts.  When our eyes are clouded and we can’t see beyond the this very moment – we need to stop and just let go.

It’s time to pause and listen. Take stock of what you do have, what you can do or would like to accomplish or more importantly is essential.  Who knows, that miracle you’re looking for, may be just around the corner — or in the next moment.  It is all a matter of perspective.

Marvel at the Greatness

“Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a
little flower.”  Hans Christian Anderson

I’ve always marveled at the beautify of a sunrise or sunset. The colors and formations of the clouds and how magnificent and amazing each is and none equals another. Do you remember the days as a teen when you used to “bake” to get the perfect tan every summer?  And now you cover up but still love to feel the “heat” of the rays of the sun on your face even if it’s just for a few gentle seconds – turning just so to get that perfect “zap”  because it feels so good!

Or do you pause in your garden and marvel at the miracle of a budding flower as it gently unfolds noting each petal, curling outward in magnificent color and beauty and uniqueness?

Behold you!  Grow in your own greatness, look towards the greatness that is you!

an inner love

“The love, or lack of love, we give ourselves and share with others
will determine whether life is sweet or sour. It determines the fabric
and texture of our relationships and how others perceive and receive
us.”  Jon Gordon

Our own self-perception is the aura we share with others.  What is it that we share when we walk in the room?  Does the lighten or darken?  Is the air sweeter or more fragrant?  Are we a joy to be around or do people shrink when we approach them?

What am I doing well now?  What can I do better?  What do I need to change?  What steps will get me to those goals?

reach out

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.”
Charles Dickens

Today is YOUR day to reach out.  I promise you won’t be disappointed and the person(s) you help won’t be either. And maybe, just maybe they’ll reach out and extend a hand to someone else in return to pay it forward as well in  an expanding circle of ripples.